Speech Analysis #4: Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources
Previous articles in this Speech Analysis Series covered how to study and critique a speech, how to approach the task of evaluation, and how to use the modified sandwich technique.
This article provides a speech evaluation form and explains how it supports you in studying and evaluating speeches.
- How to Study and Critique a Speech
- The Art of Delivering Evaluations
- Modified Sandwich Technique for Evaluations
- Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources
- Toastmasters Evaluation Contests
Speech Evaluation Form
First things first… download a copy of the free speech evaluation form.
I created this form for use in Toastmasters Evaluation Contests (a topic of a future article here), but I have since used it as a general purpose speech evaluation template.
Why this speech evaluation tool may work for you…
- It is simple — one single-sided page.
- Lots of white space, to facilitate taking notes.
- Flexible. The labels and boxes are not tied to any particular style of speech, e.g. speaking to inform
- Rows recognize the three broad areas to be analyzed: impact, content, and delivery. These are in order of importance from top to bottom.
- The critical nature of the Opening and Closing is recognized with dedicated rows on the form.
- Two columns emphasize the necessity to recognize both the strengths and weaknesses of a speech or speaker.
- Evaluation Opening and Evaluation Summation are for notes which lead to an oral evaluation (e.g. in Toastmasters). They can be ignored if you are analyzing the speech in a different context.
An alternate speech evaluation template…
At a speech evaluation workshop that I recently led, one speaker told me of the speech evaluation template that works for him.
It is wonderfully simple, consisting of just two rows (Content, Delivery) and three columns (I felt, I saw, I heard). “Content – I Saw” might include things like props or slideware, while “Delivery – I Saw” might cover gestures or facial expressions. This template allowed him to effectively analyze the speech his way.
I strongly encourage you to develop a template that works for you. Maybe the examples here are perfect. Maybe they need a tweak. Maybe you need something entirely different as an aid to capture your thoughts and observations. Whatever the case, an evaluation template can help you.
Critiquing a Speech: Advice from the Blogosphere and Beyond
- How to Study and Critique a Speech
- The Art of Delivering Evaluations
- Modified Sandwich Technique for Evaluations
- Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources
- Toastmasters Evaluation Contests
There’s some great advice elsewhere in the public speaking blogosphere and elsewhere on speech evaluation:
- How to Give a Killer Evaluation: lifehack.org
- Speech Self Critique Guide: Navy Speakers Bureau
- Evaluation Resources from Toastmasters New Zealand
Includes “step-by-step approach” to speech evaluation, 10 steps to becoming an evaluation champion. - Evaluation Template – Wendy Betteridge (PDF)
- The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Evaluators: Dr. Dilip Abayasekera, former Toastmasters International President
Next in the Speech Analysis Series
The next article in the series is Toastmasters Evaluation Contests.
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Bonjour! Very interesting website packed… http://t.co/f1lkTIUG
— St Paul’s Speakers Dec 11th, 2011
Speech Analysis #4: Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources http://t.co/KMyWDq4J via @6minutes
— Md Ridzuan Oct 31st, 2012
Speech Analysis #4: Evaluation Forms, Tools, and Resources https://t.co/LRJtm2SnQe by @6minutes
— Sleiman Skaf (@SleimanSkaf) Apr 20th, 2016
Speech Analysis: Evaluation Forms, Tools, Resources https://t.co/anxDSVAuXi by @6minutes Great Tools for Toastmasters
— @Umpire20 Jan 21st, 2019
Extremely great helpful tips Andrew
Time and time again I find myself at your site for help on my toastmasters path. Keep up the great work! I really do appreciate the work you do.
Awesome speech evaluation form. I used it at the division level of the evaluation competition and won. I segregated your areas into 3 categories – content, delivery and presence.
It made a world of difference.
Thanks for sharing.
found this very helpful in preparation and practice for an english exam, thanks~
this is an excellent evaluation form. It is concise, yet flexible. I will be using it for my Advanced Toastmasters Club. thank you for making this available to others.
Hi Andrew,
Your website is very informative and helpful.
Just want to let you know the link below in this article does not work.
■Evaluation Template – Wendy Betteridge [PDF]
Thanks for letting me know, Joshua. I have replaced the link with an alternate resource.
Might you have a copy of the free speech evaluation form found in part 4 in pdf format to forward to me? Somehow, I am unable to download the form.
Suzanne Bleau-Myrand
Club #5310, Area 54, Div F, District 61